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  1. I see by the screenshots of the Zero, that they have gone with a whiter shade of IJN grey/green. I myself prefer a greener tinge, but it's all subjective. I have been down this rabbit hole in model building a few Zeros. Long read here http://www.aviationofjapan.com/search?q=Zero+grey&m=1
  2. Great idea outsourcing some skinning to the community. As a (plastic) modeler i have deep dived IJN colours a lot more than i should. The particular shade of green on this era Zero does elicit many opinions. I fall into the Tamiya XF-76 camp myself. But that colour suits more brand new painted aircraft. And perhaps Midway era zeros are a bit more sun bleached. Warthunder actually did an interesting take on the colours with one of its A6m2 skins - it has a two tone skin that does highlight the variation in shades. Good luck!
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