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E-2 (2/30)

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  1. Moved to an XR-3, my Aero in perfect condition is for sale. Never any issues, had VR Optician lens covers since Day 1, will be shipped in the XR-3 box for maximum protection. €800 including shipping in EU. PM if interested.
  2. See my Aero FS ad above if still interested in one and you are in the EU.
  3. Yes, my new VR1 will come with Ultraleap hand tracking built in, and Leap Motion now works quite well in DCS. As for clickable cockpits, didn't even IL-2 CLoD have them implemented?
  4. Cool, at least it's near beaches and scantily clad women, as a Flight Sim Expo isn't exactly a big draw for them! 😁
  5. You asked on a flight-sim forum, so you get flight-sim advice... The simple answer, which is\has been applicable to ALL sims since the beginning, is to wait as long as you can and get the most powerful system you can afford.
  6. Curious what the "questionable comments surrounding IL-2" were?
  7. I do take a bit of umbrage at that remark.. What I actually said was "wait as long as you can and get the most powerful system you can afford"... and I stand by that. It may be a mis-mash of used parts or a super-system as he could be a dirt poor kid or multi-millionaire, who knows? I can build anything I want as i spent my life getting to this point, and could care less about depreciation, but thats me. I never tell someone with limited funds to go buy the latest and greatest, I ask "what is the budget" and then put together the best system I can at that budget. I agree that NO ONE knows what will be required to run "Combat Pilot" or anything else in 3-5 years, but when in PC history has anyone had the ability to forecast that? As they are designing it ON today's hardware, I can make a reasonable assumption anyone with a solid system built today will be able to run a well-designed piece of software released in a few years..
  8. Your points are noted, but you introduce building a system using second hand parts, etc. The question was simple, the guy is getting a "new rig very soon", seemingly for flight sims. I didn't get that he was a system builder from that. It always comes down to budget, even using your logic. The higher spec system you buy/build today, the longer you can stave off upgrading. If you build systems and enjoy tinkering, by all means swap out/upgrade components as the opportunity arises. Even my latest system was a compromise as I had just purchased a matched set of 64GB DDR4, but i've literally built 100's of systems since the inception of the 8086 PC in the 80's... For GPUs I would say the best bang-for-buck in the Nvidia line is the 4070 right now, 1/3 the cost of a 4090 with very good overall performance. https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-4090-vs-Nvidia-RTX-4070/4136vs4148
  9. Somehow I seem to have missed that one, though it seems back then I bought EVERY flight sim released! One of my favorites for the Pacific, but not one of my favorites during that time period, can't remember why.. https://store.steampowered.com/app/347230/1942_The_Pacific_Air_War/
  10. The simple answer, which is\has been applicable to ALL sims since the beginning, is to wait as long as you can and get the most powerful system you can afford. It's never been complicated.
  11. GPatricks


    Welcome @Reschke, i'm of the same era, was in the Warbirds camp, then beta for AH and very active there until ~2004 when I got burned out a bit.. Had a few names, think Dale changed how long it needed to be at one point. Was always a derivative of "Icer" though. Last squad was the Blue Knights with longtime friends, "Slapshot" being my wing since day1..
  12. I believe no one on Earth can answer that question as the sim does not exist yet... ?
  13. Used to call it red mist, another way of saying impatience (or stupidity if you like!)..
  14. The A6M6 (?) was my plane of choice back in Aces High (and the SpitV), had it dialed in to know exactly how high and at what speed I needed to be in level flight to bait the BnZ guys in their 190s and P51s into trying to stay with me in a Split-S. Loved watching them splat into the ground. . 😁
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