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Jonan last won the day on September 9

Jonan had the most liked content!

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E-1 (1/30)

  • Battery Commander - Reacting Well
  • Armorer - First Post

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  1. There is a famous history like that but in japanese side. Kanichi Kashimura colided his A5M with a P-40 over Nanchang and returned with a wing and a half After four attempts to land finally crashed but he result unharmed. I think... can you imagine that we are talking about the same collision?🤯
  2. It goes flying to favorites🤣 I love the navigation topic I find it very pleasant when I complete the mission with the aid of an unmarked map. Meet the carrier before fly 600 miles without any ground reference must be a extraordinary challenge.
  3. Efectively these comparison charts helps to decide to turn, climb, dive or simply run depending the enemy you are facing. I find them useful specially in multiplayer.
  4. Thanks everyone😊 let´s discuss about flying stuff...
  5. Personally the lone reason I fly with external view enabled is to see the damage in the plane once landed. Is something that I would welcome but is true that being able even to swim I feel it goes a bit far ¿Did they expect you to run if you bail out in hostile territory?
  6. Greetings everyone! I´m Jonan, I´m a hard sim lover and I hope to jump to the new generation of flight simulators with the promising Combat Pilot (no time to dedicate needed time to more than one). Thus my first sim was Combat Flight Simulator 2 and this project focused in PTO makes me nostalgic. Hope see you soon on the flight deck and sorry in advance for my crimes against the english language.
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