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E-1 (1/30)

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  1. I moved to OpenVR with my Reverb G2 ages ago. Way better quality and FPS on both IL-2 and Elite Dangerous. Now looking at upgrading to a Crystal Lite soon. I then have to sort out the best driver system for that.
  2. Great news and a delay on VR is okay if they get the physics and gameplay correct. I tinker on my Reverb G2 and have run it on OpenXR, which gives better performance and frame rates. Looks like I may have to save some more pennies.
  3. Thanks guys. Having grown up on Guadalcanal as a kid climbing over war wrecks in the 70's, I crave a decent Pacific Theatre. Work has been crazy, but I am sure that I will make time for this. Hopefully it is VR compatible??? I notice that Pimax has the new Pimax Crystal Light out, which has good reviews. Looks like a good upgrade from my Reverb G2. Now for a sim where they can both compliment each other.
  4. Hey guys. Had drifted away from IL2-FB for a while and just discovered this new upcoming game/sim. Have played sims since Aces over Pacific and Their Finest Hour. Loved the IL2-PF/1946 series especially on hyperlobby in the day. Looking forward to bouncing of the back of carriers again............... from a whole new angle.
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